Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Errors and Amendments: The Journey Continues

Alright, to anyone who reads this comment, I apologize for the 'typos' in the entry in question. I didn't do any proof-reading, whatsoever. Also, as I was reading it through, I noticed it seemed excessively choppy. I apologize for that, as well. And lastly, it continues to amaze me how this program of bloggery will twist and maim my carefully chosen formatting. I thought I'd found a way to fix this problem, but alas, no good has yet come of it. I do not apologize for any failing on my part in this respect. I will, however, apologize for the ineptitude of the medium in question. You know what? I think I'm going to post this as a comment, then copy and paste into a whole different entry. I think that sounds like a dandy idea. You'll read it. Oh, you'll read it. see also: comments under 'Amblin' in OK Country'

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Hey Casey where are you? Give me a ring! I want a cameo on your copious weblog!